Your Go-To Summer Knit Shawl Pattern


As the warm breezes of summer beckon us outdoors, there’s no better time to indulge in a light, relaxing knitting project. During my recent visit to the charming Isager Yarn company in Denmark, I stumbled upon the perfect pattern for the seasonal summer (and not only!!!) knitting: an easy knit shawl that epitomizes summer elegance. This delightful pattern requires just two balls of Isager Alpaca 1 lace weight yarn, making it both an affordable and manageable project for knitters of all levels.

Discovering Isager Yarns in Denmark

Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Denmark, Isager yarn company and their shop is a haven for knitting enthusiasts. Their yarns are renowned for their high-quality and the patterns are exquisite, which reflect a deep appreciation for natural fibres and timeless design. During my visit, I was completely carried away with all the sample garments and access to ALL the colours of all yarns, plus new designs for the Autumn 2024, which I am not allowed to show you yet! Can you imagine the absolute joy? However, this very, very simple shawl was something which I thought you would like to knit this summer. The soft, delicate texture and weight of Isager Alpaca 1 yarn is just perfect for this elegant shawl. The Isager Alpaca 1 yarn is made from 100% alpaca, offering an incredible softness and a gentle halo that’s perfect for lightweight summer projects.

The Perfect Summer Shawl

The shawl pattern I discovered is designed to be both simple and sophisticated. It’s an ideal project for those lazy summer afternoons when you want to unwind with your needles and yarn. The beauty of this pattern lies in its simplicity, you only need to remember 1 increase, making it accessible for beginners while still being enjoyable for more experienced knitters.

Materials Needed

  • Yarn: 2 balls of Isager Alpaca 1 lace weight yarn
  • Needles: You can use sizes from 3mm to 3.5 mm, depending on how you knit. The pink in the picture is on 3.5mm, the ochre coloured one on 3mm, and you will need circular needles, 32 inches (80 cm) or longer

Pattern Overview

Gauge: not that important as both samples were good size as you can see in the photos (sorry, in all excitement I forgot to measure them).

M1R: Insert left needle under the strand between the stitches from back to front, then knit this strand through the front loop, as you would normally.

I found for me this M1R increase worked best for neat edge, but feel free to try your favourite way to increase this one stitch at the beginning of each row.


Cast On: cast on 3 stitches.

Setup Rows

Row 1: Knit all stitches.

Row 2: Knit 1, M1R , knit all stitches to the end.

Row 3: Knit 1, M1R , knit all stitches to the end.

Body of Shawl:

Repeat these two rows until you have used almost all of the second ball of yarn, leaving enough yarn to bind off.

Row 1 (right side): Knit 1, M1R , knit all stitches to the end.

Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 1, M1R , knit all stitches to the end.

Cast Off: Bind off loosely in knit, ensuring that the edge remains stretchy.

Finishing: Weave in any loose ends with a tapestry needle. Soak the shawl in lukewarm water with a gentle Isager wool wash, then block it to the finished dimensions, pinning it out to open up the lace and even out the stitches.

And that is it! You have your super elegant and super simple shawl ready!




Delorse Hofacker
22 June 2024  |  8:31

Just what I've been looking for! Thanks for sharing!!!

Faith Schuck
25 June 2024  |  4:03

Looks like what I would love to try.